skin surgery
At Jongno Yonsei, we thoroughly treat skin diseases that anyone can suffer from.
Epidermoid cyst removal surgery

all parts of the body
Can occur anywhere on the body

There are no obvious symptoms when it occurs.

soft core
A soft lump is touched
There may be a foul odor.

secondary infection
Secondary infection may be accompanied by pain and heat.
From the outermost layer, the skin consists of the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous fat layer.
As the cells of the epidermis grow outward, they become keratinocytes and fall off the skin.
When hair sebum hair follicles are blocked or due to trauma, epidermal cells grow in the dermis and are filled with by-products of keratinocytes, creating a pocket-like lesion.
It may be accompanied by genetic diseases such as basal cell nevus syndrome and Gardner syndrome.
The best treatment method is to incise the lesion site and completely remove the contents and sac.
For small lesions without inflammation, intralesional triamcinolone injection treatment can be attempted.
If secondary infection occurs, antibiotics and drainage are performed.
Lipoma removal surgery

all parts of the body
Usually like the torso, thighs, arms, etc.
with normal adipose tissue
Most common in tissue beneath the skin

Generally there is no pain.

giant lipoma
It gradually grows larger and can reach more than 10 cm.
At this time, pain may occur.

physical obstruction
Body movement or movement depending on size and location
Functionality may be affected.
The cause of lipoma is not yet known. In some cases, there is a hereditary tendency, such as familial lipomatosis.
Subcutaneous lipomas that occur in children may be a symptom of a certain genetic disorder (Bannayan-Zonana syndrome).
Meanwhile, cases of lipoma occurring after trauma have also been reported, but the relationship between trauma and lipoma development is not clear.
Surgery is not necessarily necessary, but is unsightly, has symptoms such as pain, or is otherwise malignant.
Surgery when differentiation from tumor is necessary
The surgery is a relatively simple surgery that involves cutting and removing the skin under local anesthesia.
In most cases, it is cured with simple excision, but lipomas may recur in 1~2%.
For large lipomas, surgery can be performed under general anesthesia.
Eyelid xanthomas removal surgery

occurs on the face
Generally, it can be seen occurring on the face, but it can occur on other parts of the body.

young boy joints
It can occur in the limb joints of young boys.
(Nodular Confetti)

It is easy to relapse.
Due to the nature of the disease, it often relapses.

diabetes complications
It may also occur along with hyperlipidemia and pain.
It is caused by the accumulation of histiocytes and giant cells containing lipids.
In the eyelid area, it is the same as what can be seen in other skin and mucous membranes.
It appears in young boys, can be seen all over the body, especially in the joints of the extremities, and is accompanied by itching. It appears in middle-aged and older women.
Resection is easy, but recurrence is easy.
Corn/wart removal surgery

Warts are caused by a papillary virus.


inflammation, purulence

Corns are caused by unfit shoes or excessive pressure.
Warts are caused by human papillomavirus infection.
Corns hurt when you press them, and if they become inflamed or suppurate, you may not be able to walk because of the pain. Since shoes are often the cause, choose shoes that fit your feet, especially ones that do not put pressure on areas where corns are prone to forming.
Remove dead skin cells after softening them for several days with corns (ointment) and bandages.
After removal, disinfect and seek medical advice if swelling or pain occurs.
Dermatoma biopsy and removal surgery

A benign tumor of the skin means a benign tumor on the skin.
This is commonly observed.
Benign tumors on the skin are not life-threatening and may not be considered a big deal. However, if it is not easy to distinguish it from a malignant tumor, it must be accurately confirmed through biopsy.
Surgical excision, curettage, electrocautery, cryotherapy, laser therapy, dermabrasion, etc.